Sunday, April 10, 2011

Freeze Out 2011 hosted by Three Trails Vans

Through Rain, Sleet and Snow, 29 dedicated Vans and Vanners came for a weekend of fun, & friendship on March 25, 26 and 27, 2011 at Eagleville Mo.  Attendance was a little down from last year probably due to the weather. 

When I arrived there was the usual bonfire and several hands to help me unload the DJ equipment. Very much appreciated, I might say. TTV made the party room a little smaller to keep the heat in. The usual fixin's - Chili and hot dogs, free beer and shot bar. I will say we did miss Big Mike’s dog stand. But mostly we missed Mike and Wanda. With the room smaller it not only kept the heat in but the after affects of the chili. It seems to happen every time a certain person entered the room. I won't mention her name but she wore a crash helmet and loves to dance to camel toe song. 

We were also missing several other vanners for specific reasons. Gary & Jean Shoulders had already planned to miss this year for their 50th wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii. There was almost a sudden change of plans when Gary wasn't feeling well and went to the hospital. He ended up having to have a stint installed. The doctor released him just in time for the trip with a few stipulations he could go on the trip. Not to overdo it and not to carry anything over ten pounds. So Jean had to haul the luggage and help him go to the bathroom, Ha! Ha! (just kidding). Our thoughts and prayers were with them. Congrats on the 50th and hope you have a lot of fun. Back at the truck-in we were also missing someone that had became an icon around the fire and that was Vince Eckmam who passed away last year. Gone but not forgotton.

Jeff and Cindy and Raoul came from Colorado and received long distance award and some cash donated by Mike Phillips after winning the 50-50 pot he donated half to them for the long haul. I had planned to drive the chevy van, but with the forecast I ended up driving the suburban. It was a little hard to sleep in. Becky didn't make the trip due to her pussy cat being very sick. Taz & Jill also made a long haul from up north and Matt and Sherri from IL. 

At the HOAVC meeting CIV filled everyone in on the progress of Colfax, Iowa fairgrounds where their event and HOAVC will be held. Despite the weather conditions I think everyone had a good time. And although they are not the only ones that fight the elements, Three Trails deserves a big round of applause for keeping a truck-in tradition alive. Now we just need them to deliver the mail.

Thanks Don Noone / Vantasia

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